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經典推薦 I just wanna laugh at stupid shits. 十齣不得不看的搞笑低俗電影

2021-04-18 15:18:59


The academy has slept on this genre, stupid shits, for so long. Sometimes, we just want to loosen up and be as sluggish as we can. All we need is a film that will make us laugh so hard and even shit our pants. Here are some recommendations. 



Normit 糯米正傳

Eddie Murphy is a legendary icon in this category. The dramatic personas he put in those characters are epic. Norbit is the most iconic one. To be honest, this is what I will rather talk about with friends than Forrest Gump. I’ll say you should just pick this one when you’re at the lowest point of your life. The gross fat ass in love with the thin black noodle will never be wrong. 

當大家在討論阿甘正傳的時候我只想說,man 糯米正傳不是更棒嗎 在想什麼


The nutty professor 肥佬教授

There’s a scene Eddie being a huge giant, and his stomach is not feeling really well. He feels like making a massive fart right away, and he actually does so cause there’s no chance that he can hold it. The fart blows up all the chairs, men, and women like a tornado. At the same time, there’s a homeless out there who feels like lighting up a cigarette. You know, the gas and the spark. The city just blows up. Iconic!

有一幕 Eddie 變身巨人,但他突然想炸屁,所以就全部放出來,整個城鎮被吹走外,剛好有一位乞丐想點火抽菸,瓦斯加火花,boom,城市整個炸爛,精彩!


Vacation 全家玩到趴

If you got an idiot dad + a weak nerd sibling, this will be perfect for you. The little brother keeps bullying his old one is so enjoyable. Second, watching people failing every single thing that they try so hard to accomplish is so satisfying. Besides, the jokes are dirty, not just family acceptable. 

霸凌白痴哥哥真的好好看,最經典是他拿塑膠袋套頭,忘不了,內容都是dirty jokes 所以聽得會很舒服,for 女性觀眾,Chris Hemsworth 都沒穿衣服

We’re the millers 全家就是米家

Same as the last one, millers got some skills in fighting. I just can’t get enough of plastic bag fights.


White chicks 小姐好白

There’s no need to say, just go watch it!


Hangover 醉後大丈夫

Drunk and wasted. Stupid and sluggish.


Due date 臨門湊一腳

Heartwarming but still a lot of shits in it. There’s a good one that Robert makes a coffee by cremated remains from Zach’s father. Hilarious!


Click 夢運好好玩

A remote for your life, who doesn’t want it when you’re so exhausted of everything that happened around you.

當很想逃離現實生活時的 go-to


The waterboy 呆呆向前衝

Bobby Boucher, Adam Sandler, has a lisp throughout the film, making me laugh till die every time he speaks. It is a story that a mommy boy got the hot chick eventually. Quite inspiring!

整齣戲 bobby boucher 都用智障的大舌頭說話、做白癡事,是一個荒謬版的媽寶電影

Game night 遊戲夜殺必死

A bunch of friends gathers around doing stupid shit. It’s so well-scripted and the tempo of the movie is marvelous. A little bloody with the thrilling element, everything is placed so perfectly.





搞笑 喜劇 低俗 糯米正傳 肥佬教授 全家玩到趴 全家就是米家 小姐好白 醉後大丈夫 臨門湊一腳 命運好好玩 呆呆向前衝 遊戲夜殺必死

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